Thursday, August 5, 2010

Fish stuck in limbo with battery ears

It was hard the first few years. The constant electrocutions of my friends, At the hands of Nature's fatal flaw. They eventually fled, leaving me in a pit of self doubt and shame. Why was i made this way? A freak. My swimming ability was unparalleled. A fish powered by two batteries, Each adjacent from the other on the sides of my head. A Frankenstein mess cooked up by a naked scientist. My life was seemingly normal before. I had a wife and two beautiful daughters, The three of which i loved very dearly. It was around 9:00 AM when they captured me in bed with Mona, my wife. The horrible screams, i couldn't tell whether or not they were mine. There were others in the holding tank with me, Pissing on themselves in the corner. Blind Willie Big-Tone was the first to be taken by the monstrous beings. A blues musician from the reef, I had heard him once at the Fishbowl Lounge in '76. I'd only seen one other about the province. I believe her name was Josephine. She had a fair complexion with bright, exuberant eyes. It was my turn to feel the cold, surgical steel they inserted into Willie just moments earlier. The end result was this freakish abomination. Hunter S. Thompson once said "I would feel real trapped in this life if I didn't know I could commit suicide at any time." Perhaps if our places had been switched, he would have been able to entertain people for years to come. Fin.

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